Friday, February 12, 2010
As you all know, I am gearing up to "Give Love Away" to fight homelessness in Hampton Roads. As a result of raising awareness of the cause, I have received an overwhelming response and support through corporate sponsorships, private donations and public service announcements.
I was particularly touched by a gentleman's efforts to "give love away." He purchased a Valentine's Day Teddy bear, started requesting donations at his office for a drawing to win the bear and decided to give all of the donations to the "Give Love Away" Benefit. The florist company in his building heard about his efforts and added a dozen roses for the winner of the bear.
Saturday evening, February 13th will be an incredible night of music and inspiration as we "give love away" to those in need. I will be sharing music from Worship Of A Redeemed Man, Worship Unplugged and the soon to be released Bigger Than I Imagined. There will be a special limited edition surprise offered to those in attendance. My wonderful friends will be joining me: 4LOVE and Alex Holt & Free Worship. This powerful night of music is FREE and open to the public. Meet me at 7:00PM at Gethsemane Community Fellowship Baptist Church located at 1317 E. Brambleton Avenue in Norfolk, VA. Proceeds from the event will benefit Ghent Area Ministry and the Gethsemane Missions Ministry. Both ministries are providing for hundreds of individuals affected by homelessness in our community. Supporting them by "giving love away" will allow us to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Please bring your best financial donation on Saturday so that we can be a tremendous blessing to these organizations. And for my friends outside of the Hampton Roads community, I welcome your donations to this cause. Send your donation payable to: Hayah Sounds, 1409 Oak Knoll Court, Virginia Beach, VA 23464. Let's work together to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Let's be the hands and feet of Jesus, together.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Many of you read the chronicle of my life-changing journey with a homeless guy we called “Joe.” Today, inspired by Joe’s journey and by the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:31-46, I want to help those in my community who, like “Joe,” are taking shelter in under bushes and bridges, in condemned buildings and alleys, or anywhere they can find temporary refuge.
Will you help me help them? Will you join me in being the hands and feet of Jesus?
Fortunately, we do not have to re-invent the wheel. There are organizations in our communities that are doing tremendous work providing for persons in need. I want to help two of them, Ghent Area Ministry and Gethsemane CFBC Missions Ministry. By supporting what they do, we too will be the hands and feet of Jesus in our communities.
Come join me at Gethsemane Community Fellowship Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia on Saturday, February 13th 7:00PM for an incredible night of music and inspiration as we “give love away” to those in need. Worship with me as I share music from Worship Of A Redeemed Man, Worship Unplugged and the soon to be released Bigger Than I Imagined. Two amazing Gospel recording artists are joining me: 4LOVE and Alex Holt & Free Worship. This event is FREE and open to the public.
Please bring your best donation so that we can be a tremendous blessing to these organizations. And for my friends outside of the Hampton Roads community, I welcome your donations to this cause. Let’s work together to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus, together.
Friday, January 01, 2010
3-Days – January 2-4
Liquid Fast: Consuming only juices, soy or almond milk, and water. No carbonated beverages, no “strong drink,” no pureed foods (blended into liquid form). This fast will be truly milk, juices and water.
3-Days – January 5-7
Eden Fast: Consuming only juices, soy or almond milk, water, raw fruits, raw vegetables. This can include canned, jarred or bottled fruits or vegetables as well as salads consisting of fruits and vegetables. However, no cooked food will be consumed.
28-Days – January 8-February 4
Daniel Fast: Consuming only juices, soy or almond milk, water, raw fruits, raw vegetables, cooked fruits and cooked vegetables. With the Daniel fast, some people go as far as to avoid refined and processed food products (artificial flavorings, food additives, chemicals, white flour, white rice, etc.), solid fats (shortening, margarine, etc.), leavened bread (sandwich bread, etc.) and beverages (tea, herbal tea, etc.). I won’t be that meticulous. The scriptures don’t detail this fast in that type of excruciating detail so I won’t either.
3-Days – February 5-7
Eden Fast: Consuming only juices, soy or almond milk, water, raw fruits, raw vegetables. This can include canned, jarred or bottled fruits or vegetables as well as salads consisting of fruits and vegetables. However, no cooked food will be consumed.
3-Days – February 8-10
Liquid Fast: Consuming only juices, soy or almond milk, and water. No carbonated beverages, no “strong drink,” no pureed foods (blended into liquid form). This fast will be truly milk, juices and water.
Throughout the 40 days I will also be fasting from TV, movies, casual web surfing (not related to work or scriptural studies – including hanging out on facebook & twitter), listening to secular music, reading secular material – unless it is work-related. I will devote special time to the study of God’s word and prayer.