Thursday, December 01, 2005

This thing called the record industry is very interesting. I understand why most recording artists just try to get a record deal - even though it usually means that for the first two or three records you simply do what you are told while you make no money and own no rights. But God's favor is greater than anything I know - including the system of the record industry. I am watching God do awesome things! I'm going to try to bring you up to date without getting too excited.

When you release a record there are two main things that you need to have happen so that your record will have a chance to be successful. You need the general public to hear your music. The best way for this to happen is through the vehicle of radio. You need radio stations to play the music - not just once but several times - so that people can decide whether or not they like it. The other thing that you need to have happen is for stores to sell the CD for you. But you don't just need one store; you need stores all across the country.

Now, here is the catch! Radio stations always get music sent to them from local artists in their regions or independent artists ("indie artists") from around the globe requesting that they play the music. The term "indie artist" refers to any recording artist that isn't signed to a record label but is promoting their music indepemdently. Most of the time the music they receive from "indie artists" do not carry commercial grade quality - the kind of quality that would cause them to want to put it on the air. Also, stations usually look for a "hit" - that one song that will cause people to want to hear it over and over. Since most indie artists don't produce this kind of music then when a radio station receives music from a indie artist it usually goes into the "indie artist black hole." Very rarely does it get played - if ever. Now the record stores want to stock and sell CDs that people want to buy. People come in looking for music that they hear on the radio. If the music isn't on the radio, most record stores won't carry them. Furthermore, the larger record stores only carry CDs that they get from distributors. These distributors only carry CDs that are getting a lot of attention - like national radio play.

If you are signed with a medium to major record label then all of this comes automatic. The record label will have the clout with the radio stations across the country to get the music played. They will also have the national distribution in place to get the CDs into stores all across the country. But what does an independent artist like me do?

While praying about this product and seeking God's direction on marketing it I was made clearly aware that this project is "for the body of Christ." My objective is to get this music into the churches. So, that's what I have been doing. By doing so God has blessed me with some very supportive Christians that are calling radio stations and requesting the music. I can't say enough about Charleston, South Carolina. While we don't have the CD in stores in Charleston yet, the music is in rotation on their stations and I've been invited by the station to come and do a concert. So, as an independent artist, I take it church by church, city by city, state by state. And thus far, every where I've tread my feet, God has given to me.

I must add that God has given me some incredible friends that have been relentless at helping me get this music heard. I am so grateful to you! Because of the support of members of the body of Christ, it appears that we will have national distribution sometime in early spring. Wow! With God's wisdom, His favor and His people, even an independent artist like me can reach the masses with songs of worship. Isn't our God awesome?!

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