Monday, March 06, 2006

So much is happening so fast!!

I've had a couple of radio interviews since I last posted - WGPL and WFMI. While at WGPL we were put into their rotation as well as the satellite rotation for Willis Broadcasting. Their satellite rotation gets played on all of their stations in 10 different states. This means my little project is now on its first satellite network. Hallelujah!!

So, now I'm working on Music Choice - the people that handle the music being played on the cable and satellite TV music channels. That would be another huge accomplishment. I'm also working on Salem Music Network. That is the company behind "The Word in Praise." They would put us in over 30 markets. That would be another huge thing.

Is it possible? Yes! Why? Because nothing can stop the favor of the Lord. I have seen by experience that when you are on the Lord's side, he makes even your enemies come to peace with you. The heart of even the king is in the hand of the Lord and, just like the waters, He can turn it whatever way he wants. God truly has the power to direct the hearts of man and he does so to make ways for his children. So, yes it is possible. I am on the Lord's side. And since God is for me - who can be against me? Hallelujah!

Okay - I just had to get that out.

I've been invited to go on a Mission trip to Africa - the Congo. I am so excited!! I've been wanting to go to Africa for several years. I look forward to the Lord making this happen for me. I've got to work at getting some sponsors but I know that the Lord will provide. This trip is not to promote the CD - although that opportunity will probably present itself and I will be ready. The purpose is to assist another man of God with his vision while I learn about what the Lord is doing outside of America. My whole life has been between these two oceans. I want to see what else is there.

Please be in prayer for me.

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