Sunday, December 31, 2006

Knowing your Role in God’s Scheme…

Let me open this post by saying that there is a difference between being ANOINTED and being HOLY. Being anointed allows you to be used by God. Being holy gets you into heaven. You can be anointed without being holy. And you can go to HELL while being anointed.

As a musician and a facilitator of Gospel/Christian music I have the opportunity to work with a lot of people. There are so many wonderful things about the Gospel/Christian music industry. There are so many wonderful things about music ministry. We have so many talented people that God uses in this area of the body of Christ. I could spend several paragraphs on testimonies and accolades for music ministry.

However, this entry is of a different tone and texture.

There was a time when God was a lot less tolerant of sin. Priests that went into the temple who were not sanctified were slain in the temple. Persons that served in music ministry in the tabernacle or the temple of the Old Testament had to be sanctified before they entered service. If God found sin in them they would be slain. And God was the one doing the killing. This caused people to attempt to live holy lives based on fear and reverence. This kept them alive but was not conducive to a thriving relationship between them and God.

So, God changed things. With the sacrifice of Christ, our final lamb, we no longer have to face the penalty of sin. People aren’t slain if they enter Christian service with sin in their lives. God doesn’t want us to live holy because we are afraid to die. He wants us to live holy because we love Him so much that we don’t want to hurt His heart.

This opens the door to a lot of shadiness. Since God isn’t killing folks, churches are excusing folks. Churches are extremely passive about the open and public sins of persons in the pulpit and in the choir stand. Musicians, preachers and singers can get drunk, “shack up” (that’s what we called it back in the day. Now it’s so common that there is no real name for it), be flamboyantly gay, curse, lie, cheat on their spouses, not attend bible study, exemplify no real conviction – except while they are performing, and the church just looks the other way. What in the world are we doing?!! And we wonder why there is no POWER in the church today. It’s because we have so much sin in the camp and no body is saying anything.

Saul was king of Israel. But he sinned and the presence of the Lord had departed from him. Still, everyone gave him respect because he was still anointed. I don’t know if he made it to Heaven. Samson was a judge of Israel who was feared and admired. But, because of his disobedience, the presence of the Lord departed from him and he did not know it. He still knew how to shake. And when he shook, everyone got excited because they knew something awesome was about to happen. But there came that day when Samson’s shake had no power. Still, after being blinded by his adversaries, God used him once more to kill thousands. But, I don’t know if Samson made it to Heaven. There was a pharaoh whose heart God hardened so that He could perform all twelve plagues against Egypt. I don’t think the pharaoh went to Heaven. There was an evil spirit sent from God to torment King Saul. I don’t think that evil spirit went to Heaven. There was a donkey used to keep Balaam from being killed by an angel. I don’t think the donkey went to Heaven. There was a rooster used to announce Peter’s denial of Christ. I don’t think the rooster went to Heaven. Do you get my point? The fact that you are anointed or that God chooses to use you doesn’t mean that you are going to Heaven. It means that you are anointed for that time. Don’t get it twisted.

And for those that say, “Well, I gave my life to God so the blood of Jesus covers all my sins,” tell me what kind of relationship do you have with God? There are several people that come to a service and walk up to the altar and say that they are giving their lives to God but their lives never change. I believe that the true evidence of salvation is the demonstration of Christ in the life of the believer. If your life isn’t demonstrating Jesus then are you really saved?

To my fellow Christians, the New Testament epistles teach us that the church is responsible for holding each other accountable to holy living. When we see someone living an ungodly life we should approach that brother or sister with the love of Jesus and find a way to motivate him or her to live holy. We need to stop the practices of silent consent and overlooking blatant disregard for Godly living. We are our brother’s keeper. God is holding us responsible.

When I was much younger I joined a church under a powerful preacher. He was an amazingly anointed man of God. Over the course of the years I spent under his ministry I watched him become trapped by his weaknesses. I watched in silence as he abused alcohol. I watched in silence as my married pastor practiced promiscuity with women in the church. My silence gave consent and my consent became acceptance and my acceptance eventually became participation. I found myself doing all the things my pastor was doing. As you could imagine, that church started dying and several lives were severely damaged and souls were lost. Eventually, God delivered me and pulled me away from that pastor. I don’t know if that pastor ever got back on track. And I often wonder if the lives that were damaged and souls that were lost could have been saved if I had just spoken up.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Finding my place in MINISTRY…

So my wife and I joined this wonderful church, Gethsemane Community Fellowship Baptist Church. It is so fulfilling to be a part of a healthy, wholesome ministry. What I’ve lately found challenging is the fact that I grew up in church. My parents were in ministry since I was like 8 years old. I started preaching when I was about 13 years old. The word of God is very important to me and I’ve spent many hours studying it… especially since the days that I found myself caught up in some very unhealthy and erroneous doctrinal teaching. Today, I have a voracious appetite for rich, solid teaching and preaching. My tolerance is very low for unstudied preaching and unfounded teaching. So I needed a pastor that could unpack things in the scripture that I hadn’t already heard but things that were textually and contextually correct. My heart’s cry was for a leader that could lead me to new depths in God’s word. I found that in Rev. Dr. Kirk T. Houston, Sr. Hallelujah!!!

One of the things that I loved doing when we lived in Atlanta was ministering at the Atlanta Union Mission. I had the opportunity to serve as a chaplain for the Women’s Division and subsequently the Men’s Division. This afforded me the chance to work one-on-one with several persons making the transition from incarceration back into society. It also allowed me a chance to minister to several persons who were homeless and finding shelter from the elements.

When we were invited to sing at Rock Church of Virginia Beach I met a wonderful family. The two children in this family have amazing stories. The fact that they are still alive is a testimony of the grace of God. For anonymity, I will use a fictitious name. The little boy, “Mikey,” just stole my heart. He loves God and is captivated by drums. Although confined to a wheelchair, he sits in the service and plays “air drums” during each song. He says that when he grows up he wants to be a preacher. Weeks after we performed at Rock Church, Mikey’s mom contacted me. She said that while planning for Mikey’s birthday party she asked him what he wanted for his party. Expecting him to request a clown or something of the sort, she was surprised when he said that he wanted “Michael M. Smith” to come to his house for his birthday. He said that he wanted to sit down with me and talk about the Lord. WOW!! I was so deeply touched by this request. My wife and I spent a wonderful evening with Mikey and his family. He and I sang, laughed and played together. He preached to me and demanded that I preach to him. It was so much fun.

As I left there, I was reminded of Jesus’ ministerial practices. He spent most of His time with people that needed encouragement and love. It felt as though spending a few hours with a physically challenged young boy was just what Jesus would have done. If only I had the power within myself to heal him. If only I were Jesus…

So with renewed passion, I was so excited when I received a call from one of the largest Gospel Music radio stations in the area (WXEZ Star 94.1) with an invitation to sing at a Thanksgiving dinner they were holding for homeless and less fortunate persons in the Newport News, Virginia area. Once again, I was ministering to persons that were in desperate need of encouragement and strength. A few weeks later, immediately after returning from our two-city tour in South Carolina, we went to the Union Mission in downtown Norfolk, Virginia and spent an evening singing and ministering to homeless men. That evening the presence of the Lord was very heavy in the room as several men gave themselves in worship and several received the Lord Jesus as savior and Lord. It was a powerful night.

It is my belief that every artist should discover your assigned audience. Some of us are called to minister to the world, some to minister to the church, some to minister to the youth, some to minister to older persons. But we are most successful when we are ministering to the people to whom we were designed to minister. I believe that I’ve been designed to minister to the body of Christ and to persons like “Mikey” and the men at the Union Mission, seeking hope and encouragement.

There is so much more for me to tell you about… like the SC tour… like my new production venture with a new up and coming artist… like the new opportunity God is giving me to work with my local church. So stay tuned.

Have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season. Don’t forget to take specific time out to worship Jesus Christ. He is God’s gift to us all. He is the Savior of the world.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Finding my PLACE in the Kingdom...

The past three months have been very interesting. It’s been a time of transition, change and learning. Here is the short version of some of the past events...

For the past three years I had been serving and employed as Minister of Music at a wonderful church in Portsmouth, Virginia. This position afforded me the privilege of serving one of the kindest pastors I’d ever met. He is a man with a heart for his community and a passion to see people’s lives become better. I woke up one morning to the voice of the Lord telling me that my assignment at that church was complete and it was time to go. Of course, it shocked me. I was happy there. It was a nearly drama free church – and after all the drama that I’d endured in churches in the past, that was a welcomed change. We always experienced the presence of the Lord in the services. The worship was rich! I didn’t want to leave this place. So, I told my wife and we spent the following three weeks in prayer and fasting for confirmation and affirmation. God did confirm it. So we submitted a letter of resignation and offered a six-week notice so that the church would have time to make a smooth transition and the ministry wouldn’t be hindered.

Upon my resignation I started working with a wonderful church in Norfolk in an advisory and coaching role. This church has a full band, multiple choirs and worship leaders and a minister of music. My task was to help troubleshoot the ministry and offer suggestions while modeling a standard to which the music ministry could aspire. This was a part-time role.

Meanwhile, I was looking for a full-time Minister of Music position. I submitted my resume to over 40 churches in the Hampton Roads area – targeting Virginia Beach. As a result, I had some wonderful interviews with some great ministries. It was all very enticing. But, as I worked with this much smaller church in Norfolk (smaller than the churches that were interviewing me and making offers) I found my wife and me falling in love with the ministry. As if that wasn’t enough, each offer I received was followed by the voice of the Lord telling me that it wasn’t my place.

This drove me to my knees. I needed to know what was going on. Had I missed God somewhere? Then God spoke… loudly! “Stop trivializing what I’ve called you to do. This is more than a job. This is ministry. Many lives will be affected by what you do. It’s not a gig!” By now, tears were flowing as I repented of my wrong. I had taken the approach of so many musicians who see this as a job or a gig and had lost focus of the MINISTRY. Because of this, I was just looking for a job, not looking for my place. I was ready to join the place that was going to pay my bills. The priority was completely out of order. Thank God for the Holy Spirit that convicts us when we get out of line!

A few weeks later, my wife and I knew that we were ready to become a part of the Gethsemane Community Fellowship Baptist Church family and serve under Rev. Dr. Kirk T. Houston, Sr. Without any condition or promise of position, we joined a church where we both felt the Holy Spirit leading us. We found our place.

As for employment and other such matters, God has been supplying our needs. He is indeed the source. It’s amazing how firm a foundation you find once you take the leap of faith.

So, my encouragement to you is to know that you are in your place. Don’t keep wandering around, giving God contingencies. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and find your place.

There is more to this. Watch out for the next post.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Define "Ministry"...

Webster's Dictionary defines ministry as "the service, functions, or profession of a minister of religion. Simple, right? So let's dig deeper. Richard's Expository Dictionary of Bible Words, a source that I deeply enjoy, has this to say. The Hebrew word translated for minister in the Old Testament "is used of persons who give personal service to a ruler, particularly of those who are set aside to perform some special service in the worship of God." In the New Testament, "in most instances where 'minister' or 'ministering' is found in English versions, the Greek has some form of diakonia ('service' or 'ministry'), which occurs thirty-four times. A related noun, diakonos ('servant,' 'minister,' or 'deacon'), occurs thirty times. The verb diakoneo ('to serve' or 'to serve as a deacon') is used thirty-seven times.

"These words are distinctive in that their focus is squarely on loving action on behalf of a brother or sister or a neighbor. A similar word, doulos (127 times in the NT) can mean either 'slave' or 'servant,' and it focuses attention on our subjection to Jesus. But these ministry words call us to look at our fellow human beings as objects of the loving services we extend to them for Jesus' sake.

"It was Jesus himself who set both the tone and the example for such Christian ministry. He called his disciples to find greatness through servanthood, '...just as the Son of man did not come to be served (diakoneo) but to serve (diakoneo), and to give his life as a ransom for many' (Mt 20:28)."

With this in mind, I am better able to understand my purpose as a minister of music and as a recording artist. It's interesting how the mind works. When you are carrying the title "Minister of Music," it is pretty easy to remember that you are in place to serve the body of Christ. You are automatically reminded that you are a person under the authority of a God-appointed leader, assigned to the task of helping that leader carry out their God-given mission. But when the title "Recording Artist" is attached or added, somehow we can easily forget who we are.

What the Lord is teaching me is that the only thing that should change when a person moves from minister of music to recording artist is the number of pastors that you are responsible to and the number of lives you are responsible for. As a recording artist, I am called to be a servant of the Body of Christ. I am not called to be a pastor or evangelist. I am called to be a servant. If my arrival at this new title is because the Lord appointed it, then it means that there is something in me that the Lord wants spread throughout the entire Body of Christ. But the recording artists is still a minister of music - therefore, still in place to serve the Body of Christ, under the authority of a God-appointed leader but now assigned to the task of helping that leader as well as all other God-appointed leaders carry out their God-given mission. In other words, it means more responsibility.

One of the reasons it is so easy to mess this up is because we see the celebrity of many secular recording artists and even many Christian or Gospel recording artists. Wow - what a mirage! So easily we start chasing the celebrity, wealth and fame of others not realizing that: a) many of them paid a dear price for what they have accomplished, b) most of them have been at it for several years before you've ever heard of them, c) there are many more artist that have been at it much longer they you that have not reached recognition status, let alone celebrity, d) it is incredibly easy and enticing to lose your integrity and your spiritual purity in pursuit of this temporal stuff, and e) promotion comes from God!

If we could just keep our eyes on God and not on this world we would be much less inclined to pursue passions that can destroy us. As servants of the kingdom, deacons of music, we must remember that secular artists can easily reach platinum sales because the world loves its own. But Christian/Gospel artists weren't necessarily called to minister to the world. Most of us were called to minister to God or to minister to the church. We are not of the world and shouldn't expect the world to love us. So the numbers are automatically different. Still, we don't have to sell out to the world for the sake of record sales. God has already orchestrated fantastic ways for our craft to be sustained within the dimensions of our God-given assignment. In other words, there are great, legitimate, honest ways to make a great living with Gospel/Christian music while retaining your integrity. It just requires that we trust and obey God.

I know I haven't written much lately. It's been an interesting few months. I've been going through an amazing transition and learning some powerful lessons. It hasn't all been comfortable. But I am closer to the Lord than I've ever been and I understand His word more clearly than ever. I've still got a lot to learn - but at least the classes are fun!!

Friday, September 29, 2006

"Boy, don't blow all up and get the big head," they said.

Fat chance of that!! My wife loves me too much to let me get a big head about things. She brings me back in quickly. She's making sure that I don't miss Heaven over pride. I appreciate that.

So, in case there was any doubt, let me give credit to whom true credit is due. I am who I am because of the woman that stands with me. I have accomplished what I've accomplished because of the woman that stands with me. I know that I've talked about her in many of my previous posts - about how wonderful, beautiful, helpful, giving, fantastic... she is. While I prayed and asked God for the studio equipment that I needed, God used my wife to make it all happen. How cool is that?

Sharon's a wonderful wife. Any man would be very blessed to have a woman like her at his side. I'm glad that she doesn't take me too seriously. Sometimes, when everyone's singing your praises, you need someone to remind you that your breath still stinks in the morning and you still need a shower. I'm grateful. Who knows what I might think without her.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Technology is wonderful when it works.

I know it's been a month since my last post. That's just pathetic. I'm very sorry. But it also means that I've been very busy. Since my last post I've been blessed to do a number of things. I've resigned my position at my home church - which went a little differently from the way I saw it in my head. But, I followed God's explicit instructions and I'm so very glad that I did. I've interviewed with a couple of churches for a new position and I'm waiting to see where God wants me to serve now.

Let's see...

Oh - I purchased a bunch of new equipment. I purchased a Motif ES7. I'm so happy and excited about this keyboard. It came with the mLAN expansion card already in it - and I didn't have to pay for it. It was an oversight by the store and a blessing from the Lord!! I also purchased the Lexicon Omega audio interface, which came with Cubase LE. It's pretty cool recording software - not the heavy-duty stuff like Logic or ProTools but it's good enough to get the songs from my head to a CD. That's what I needed. Oh yeah - I bought the AT4040 microphone. This thing has a wonderful sound. It makes the voice sound so warm and natural. I never knew how much difference a mic could make. WOW!! My geek side is coming out.

Cain is outside barking at his water bowl, which he just turned over. He's more then 78 pounds now and definitely taller than Rocky. But Rocky retains dominance. It's interesting watching the instinctive territorial actions of mammals. When Cain goes somewhere in the yard to urinate, Rocky follows him. As soon as Cain finishes, Rocky finds the exact spot and urinates right in that spot. I guess that's his way of making it plain that he is still the Alpha Male and Cain is still a child or something. It's crazy. Now, Cain is out there rolling his metal bowl around - clanging and banging it while barking and howling. It's a very funny noise.

I opened a myspace website. That thing is addictive. If you're not careful you can lose hours of your day just checking out people's pages and getting new friends. But check this out... my beautiful daughter has become one of my friends on myspace. It's the coolest thing. She's the Spanish speaking chica on my page. By the way, you can visit at

Well there is a lot more going on but I'll have to fill you in on that later. Gotta run.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Wow!! It’s been too long since I put an entry into this blog. I feel so ashamed. But it means that I’ve been extremely busy and – trust me – that’s a wonderful thing!! Then, when I finally got a chance to make the entry, I couldn't remember my password. I've been bugging the wonderful people of Blogger for the past week and a half trying to get my user ID and password reset. However, today I stumbled accross it in the place where all of my passwords are documented. DUH!! I guess I should have looked there first.

Let me try to bring you up to speed. Since my last entry we have had some wonderful concerts!! I’ve had the opportunity to minister at a small church for their youth conference. When I say a small church I mean small – like the building holds less then 100 people. But the leader of the youth department wanted to do something great for their youth and I really wanted to be a part of that. The Lord has given me a soft spot for young people and I believe that the church should do all that we can to reach them and anchor them in the word of God. Well… it happened so that the day we had to minister was extremely hot. The circuit breaker for the air conditioning at the church tripped earlier that day so the a/c wasn’t on and the building was like a sauna. When we all arrived they immediately turned on the a/c but they couldn’t cool the building. So we had a sweat fest. It was cool though. We were leaping and dancing before the Lord with sweat pouring off all of us. It was a blessed night nonetheless. The young people really enjoyed it.

We have implemented a new marketing item. We have a T-shirt with the front imprinted “I Worship Because I Am Redeemed.” People love the shirts. They sell very well at concerts. We will soon be selling them on the website.

Another award nomination has come. The Virginia Gospel Announcers Guild of the GMWA has nominated me for “Male Artist Of The Year”. What an honor! I feel truly blessed to be a nominee. If you vote for me, maybe I’ll win. ;-)

A record label wants to put “Join In This Praise” on their Gospel Skate Jams CD. This will be a compilation CD featuring several national and independent artists. From what I was told, there may be a couple of previously unreleased songs by TONEX on the CD. Now that is major… having my music on a CD with music from Tonex. The record label will do major distribution which would escalate the popularity of Worship Of A Redeemed Man which should positively impact CD sales.

Oasis Manufacturing – the company that pressed my CD – included “Fight For Me” on their Inspirational Sampler CD. The sampler is a compilation CD of several Christian, Gospel and Inspirational independent artists that have had their music manufactured by Oasis. The company sent the sampler to their “secret” list of industry insiders and radio stations. We have already received an email from a radio station in Oregon that wanted the full project for consideration in their rotation. The Music Director had great things to say about the song. WOW!!

So, as you can see, things are happening. And believe me when I say that I’m not even telling you the biggest things yet. I’ll have to wait until the dust settles and we can clearly see all the Lord is doing. It’s a little clouded right now but we feel something great coming to birth. God is moving… and I’m moving right along with Him.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!! Happy Birthday to me!!

So, this is how it feels to be 42, huh? Not too bad. It appears that everyone thoroughly enjoyed the July Baby Birthday Bash! We had such a blast!! The presence of the Lord was definitely felt in the place. We had everything from dancing to laughing to worship. We were told that the food was great. I hate that I didn't get to have any of the shrimp. It looked so good. But, the guests fully indulged themselves. It was on point!!

Recently, I completed the book of Hebrews (again) - this time reading the NIV and The Message in parallel. It was so awesome. There was a lot that I never saw in that book which just jumped out at me this time. The bible is amazing like that... you can read something 1000 times and still get something fresh out of it. I learned so much about faith and believing.

Growing up, I always heard "faith" taught with an emphasis on waiting and believing. The common theme was that if you believe that God will do something and follow His directions, it will happen. It's innumerable the times that I've heard that if you have faith and speak to the mountain and tell it to be cast into the sea that it will have to be cast into the sea. But as I read Hebrews chapter 11 this time I saw something to which I never paid attention before.

The writer, Apostle Paul, listed several persons that are noted for their faith. He listed their acts of faith. But later in the chapter, Apostle Paul clearly explained that these people died believing what they believed - but never saw what they were hoping and believing for materialize. It did not happen while they were living. Still, these people didn't waiver in their faith. They trusted God beyond death. This changed my perspective on life. So often I expect God to do things based on what I understand to be His will or His plan. But faith is what I need when I trust God whole-heartedly and follow His directions explicitly and things still don't work out the way I trusted that they would.

When you are on the calm shore enjoying life and God says get in the boat and go across the water... and you get in and start moving... and a storm catches you beyond the halfway point... and your boat is on the verge of capsizing... and you see Jesus walking on the water... and you cry out to Him... and He tells you to take courage and not be afraid... and you say, "God, if it's really you then call me close to you"... and He tells you to walk on the water... and you step out of the boat... and you get four or five good steps away from the boat while walking on water... and suddenly the bottom falls out and you are no longer walking but on the verge of drowning... THAT is when you need faith! You have to know that - even if the results are not what you believed God would do - even if they are disastrous - it doesn't change God's faithfulness. God is timeless, limitless and boundless in His wisdom and His power. If He said that all things work together for our good then we can bet our lives on it. And even if we lose our lives - doesn't He have the power of ressurection?

So, I have grown in faith over the past two months. God is teaching me - and I am enjoying the lesson... well, mostly enjoying the lesson... some of it is quite nerve-rattling. But those are the moments that cultivate the most growth.

So, Hallujah Anyhow!!


Monday, July 10, 2006

There is so much to learn about the "live performance."

It's easy to think that - because you do well on Sunday Mornings in your local church's Praise & Worship setting - you are ready for a big stage. Duh-Duh!! Not so. It's a completely different animal. I used to wonder why it took so long to get the stage ready for national artists. It appeared that their soundchecks took forever. Now I understand why. Sound makes all the difference in the world.

When you are in the audience listening to one of the national actists you expect every note to be perfect. The artists know that as well. In order for that to be the case, the artists have to be able to hear themselves clearly. That is where the long soundchecks come in. They are necessary to get the perfect mix on the stage so that the performer/artist hears everything clean and clear. When you can hear clearly you can sing on pitch. If what you hear in stage is all garbled, you won't know when you have drifted.

The last three large engagements have taught me a lot...

AF'RAM... we didn't do a real soundcheck. We were so happy to take the stage that we went with whatever mix we were given. So, the BGVs (background vocalists) couldn't hear themselves - and I certainly couldn't hear them. The band sounded great on stage to me - but they couldn't hear themselves very well. The audience could hear me and some of the band but not everything - and certainly not balanced. So, our execution wasn't great. Still, the crowd got with us. But I know it could have been a lot better.

Issachar Conference... due to the weather we didn't have time to do a thorough soundcheck. So we roughed it out. It was much better than AF'RAM in the live setting. However, I just got the DVD with the direct sound. It was not good at all. The vocals drifted a lot - and it was evident that they couldn't hear themselves. When the music was low ans soft - the BGVs were on point. When the music got loud, the BGVs drifted from pitch. Also, if the BGVs were singing softly they drifted because they couldn't hear themselves distinctly.

Gospel Block Party... there was no soundcheck - but it wasn't necessary to do one because we were using a track. The mics were hot and the track was hot. The blend on the stage was great and the execution was on point! The BGVs could hear themselves clearly and that made all the difference in the world.

So - we have two rehearsals before the July Baby Birthday Bash. I know exactly what we need to work on. I have a tool that I'm going to try to implement that should make a huge difference. I'm going to have the BGVs use an earplug in one ear. We've also implemented stage separation - having the BGVs on one side of the stage and the band on the other side. That way the BGVs won't be completely absorded in the volume of the instruments. I think that combination will help a lot. I'll let you know what happens.


Saturday, June 24, 2006

I love the Motif ES7!! It's a wonderful machine. I've been sequencing my hindparts off!

Two local artists have asked me to produce their demos. So, I'm working on their material. I'll be taking my band and vocalists into the studio to record the music for these demos. This is going to be a major plus for my resume. The music is turning out great!

This is going to be a busy two weeks for me. We have a full concert on Tuesday night for the Issachar Conference. Last Monday's rehearsal was abysmal. The vocals were not tight at all. But - after much prayer and reflection - I realized that the band was killing the vocals. They heard so much noise that they weren't able to create a blend. We had a vocal rehearsal today and they sounded wonderful! I have a band rehearsal tomorrow so I'll address the band volume issue. We'll do whatever it takes to make this work well!

Working feverishly on the "July Baby Birthday Bash." It's going to be a blast. I'll have to tell you more about it later - but in short - I'll be celebrating my 42nd birthday on July 22nd. We will be throwing a major party as a fundraiser on that evening. Me and the band will do a full concert with a few special performances. We will also provide an awesome buffet dinner. It's going to be a wonderful night. It appears that we will have quite a bit of radio personalities in the building. Sounds awesome!!

Anyway - It's late and I've got to get some sleep.

Keep praying for this nation called America. We need Jesus!


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Okay - I know... it's been three weeks since I've updated you on what's happening with me. I'm sorry. So sorry. Seriously. I really am apologizing here.

Time does fly when you are having a ball!!

Okay, let me try to bring you up to date.

AF'RAM!! It was a blast! We had a wonderful time. Thank you, Sarita!! Thank you, Theo!!
We got to hang out backstage while the great Tye Tribbett and GA were on stage throwing down. They were amazing! Their excitement and energy is unexplainable.

I did learn a valuable lesson. Be adamant about getting a good, thorough sound-check before taking a big stage like that one. Don't start until the sound is right. In my youthful excitement and inexperience, I just went for it without ensuring that we had a good mix. Well, it sorta' cost us. On stage we couldn't hear any of the background singers' mics. The band sounded great and I could hear my mic okay. Out in the audience, they couldn't hear the guitar nor most of the background singers. When you have a group singing and all of the mics are not on in the monitors, it makes it nearly impossible for them to blend effectively because they can't hear each other. That was our dilema. But, I guess we sounded pretty okay because the crowd went with us and responded very well. We even sold a few CDs. That's always good!!

Okay, let's go in reverse for a moment. The week before AF'RAM we sang at the Norfolk City Jail Ministry's Spring Rally. It was a benefit event for this incredible outreach ministry. I love ministries of that sort. When I lived in Atlanta I spent some years ministering at the Atlanta Union Mission - both the Men's and Women's divisions. I had the opportunity to minister to many people going through drug rehabilitation and well as persons coming out of incarceration. It's a wonderful opportunity to help rebuild lives and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, the Spring Rally took me back to that kind of ministering that I love. The group and I were so blessed by the testimonies of former inmates whose lives had been changed by the power of God. It was so much fun singing and ministering to that crowd. We had a fantastic time of worship!!

Now, jumping forward. This past Saturday I had the opportunity to do a solo acoustic performance for the Sister to Sister Kingdom Visionary Ministry. It was pretty cool. We were jamming at the Hilton Hotel. I love doing "Dance In My Feet" in a setting like that. It's a song that just brings the praise out of you. The presence of the Lord was great in the place.

So, now you are up to date on the stuff that I've been doing. God has been doing great things - and I rejoice in Him.

Now, for more intimate matters...

I am wrapping up my studies on I & II Corinthians. It is pretty powerful studying these books using the NIV and The Message in parallel. It really opened my understanding of what Apostle Paul was writing to the church. I've had to look at myself and make some changes as a result of studying these books. But, isn't that what the word of God is supposed to cause us to do? We should always be growing and adjusting so that our lives line up with God's word. That's the only way we can be certain that we are in God's divine plan. God's word is the lamp unto our feet and the light unto our path.

Lastly, little Cain - the little puppy that we found on the side of the road in South Carolina - is now six months old and weighing in at a whopping 60 pounds! WOW!! The vet said that he appears to have a mixture of Mastiff and German Shepherd in him, among other things. He is expected to get at least 20 pounds heavier - but probably not quite 100 pounds. WOW!! I wonder how large the other two puppies are now?


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

NBA Playoffs!!! I love this game!!! I'm watching the San Antonio Spurs fight to stay in the playoffs with Dallas. I'm hoping... I'm cheering...

We are planning another big event. It is called the "July Baby Birthday Bash!" The event is going to be a buffet dinner and a concert.

Oops! The Spurs just went up by 10 points on a steal by Tony Parker. Yahoo!!

Okay, back to business. We want to host the event at Mt. Gilead Missionary Baptist Church Family Life Center... a gorgeous facility perfect for this type of event. We are inviting a couple of artists to open the evening. We will conclude with me, the singers and band doing a full concert - probably every song from the CD. The event will be a fund-raiser so there will be a cover charge. Tickets will be sold in advance. We want to really push the envelope with promoting the event. The funds raised from the event will be used to promote the CD. Marketing and promotion is very expensive.

Gosh!!! The lead has been cut down to three. Dallas is on a 7-0 run. Come on Spurs!!

So Saturday will be an interesting day. I've got a 7AM engagement at the Atlanta Bread Company in Virginia Beach near Lynhaven Mall. Then that evening I have an engagement at Gethsamene Community Fellowship Baptist Church. It's going to be exciting. I'm a little nervous about the 7AM event because it's going to be very different for me. I am doing an acoustic set by myself with no vocals or band or mic. Just me and a low volume keyboard singing to early morning patrons of the restaurant. It's a great opportunity to sell myself and the CD to a completely new audience.

The Spurs are making a run for it here in the fourth quarter. Up by six!!

The evening event will be pretty important as well. Several churches from the Tidewater area will be represented. This event can open several doors.

Throughout my growth as a minister of music I was always taught to see these opportunities as ministry and nothing else. Now I understand the necessity to seeing these matters through balances eyes. The most important thing is that God is glorified every time I pick up a microphone. The word of the Lord charges me to be a representative of the Kingdom of God. As the salt of the earth and the light of the world, my responsibility is to spread the seasoning and light of the Lord Jesus wherever I go. However, the word of the Lord also requires me to be a faithful steward over capital and opportunities. I am charged to be a good businessman. So, I have to look through balanced eyes and make sure each event is anointed, impressionable, spiritually effective and economically beneficial.

EERRRRR!! Dallas tied the game. Come on Spurs!!

So - lots and lots going on with me. Please keep me in your prayers that God's direction will always be clear to me.

Only 1:16 left in the game and the Spurs are up by one. I've got to watch this one. I'm still hoping... still cheering!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Where do I start? I've got so much news to tell you about...

For starters, I signed the contract to perform at
AFR'AM in Norfolk, VA on the Sunday before Memorial Day. It's a huge festival and will be my largest stage to date. I'll be on stage somewhere among Tye Tribbett, the Gospel Keynotes and Dottie Peoples. Big names, huh? I'll only have a few minutes to make a huge impression. I believe that we're ready for the challenge.

In our last rehearsal the vocalists sounded awesome!! The band is always on point but the vocals were blazing. I'm so impressed with how they've blended and how well they are singing.

On Monday, Sharon and I attended our first meeting with the GMWA Virginia GAG (Gospel Announcers Guild). These are the people that control Gospel radio in Virginia. It was an absolute pleasure. I learned a whole lot. But I also got a very wonderful surprise. I found out that "I'm Saved" is being played in rotation in Richmond, VA on WFTH - 1590 AM. It was also very interesting and educational to hear the perspective of these industry insiders on where Gospel music and Gospel radio is going. It appears that I am coming in at the perfect time. Radio stations are a lot more open to independents. Hallelujah!!

More great news!! This CD is making its way around the Contemporary Christian Radio arena. Salem Music Network has picked up "Holy Is The Lord" for their Sunday morning program on The Word In Praise. This is a show that broadcasts all over the country. Here in Virginia Beach, we get it on WWIP - 89.1 FM. I also got an email from - now, get this - K-LOVE. That's right, K-LOVE!! Someone sent my CD to them and they are reviewing it in consideration for their station. WOW. WOW! I mean... WOW!!!! Look at God!! Can you see Him moving?

July 22 will be my 42nd birthday. We are planning to have a "July Baby Birthday Bash!" It will be a big "worship party." There will be a wonderful buffet meal and plenty of great music. We want to open the night with a couple of artist that know how to lead people into worship, then I want to do a full concert with my band and singers. I want to honor all the attendees that were born in the month of July. We July Babies will represent!!! We looked at a facility today where we could accommodate the crowd that I believe we will have. The ticket price will be more than I'm used to charging but I believe we will be able to sell the idea based on the momentum we will have from the engagements prior to the event. Keep your ears open for this one. It's going to be so cool!!

Okay, I guess that's enough for tonight. I apologize for letting so much time pass since my last post. It's very busy right now but I will try my best to keep you even more informed.

Micah 7:8 says it all!!


Monday, April 24, 2006

Seeing yourself on television is a weird thing. But - praise God!- at least I didn't come off looking like an idiot. Actually, my intense self-criticism aside, it all went very well. I found myself being myself - which is totally important to me. Integrity is very important to me in this process and I want it evident every time I perform. There should never be an occasion when people see me perform and get something other than who I really am. Sometimes artists are challenged to transform into someone else when they perform on television. This was my first time facing that challenge. It looks like I met the challenge and won. Hallelujah!!

I just got great news... and I'm not going to do the GEICO thing... Music Choice will be adding "Join In This Praise" to their Praise and Worship program that airs on Sunday Mornings between 9 and 11 AM. This is HUGE!!! Music Choice feeds cable and satellite companies across the country. This will expose thousands of people to my music. Praise God!! The song will begin airing on their network somewhere around mid-May on the Contemporary Christian channel. Another major plus with this development is that the music is now crossing over into the Contemporary Christian genre. You talk about major - that is MAJOR!!

Sharon and I are celebrating our 12th Wedding Anniversary. We were married on a gorgeous April 23rd afternoon in Atlanta. It was right in the middle of "Freaknik" and we had no idea what Freaknik was. What a rude introduction. We couldn't find hotel rooms for family members; the streets, roads and interstates were in total gridlock; it was a mess - but we were so happy!! As we were leaving the reception - Sharon in her gown and me in my tux - cars were at a total stop on the interstate and young college students were dancing on the highway. But as they recognized the gown and tux and saw "Just Married" on the car, they started cheering for us and cut a path through the sea of cars so that we could journey on to our destination. God has been parting seas for us ever since. Sharon is the most wonderful woman a man could have. And I am totally in love with her. She is so loving, compassionate, tender, strong and GORGEOUS!! It has been a fantastic 12 years. Te adoro - my Boo.

We took Cain to the vet this weekend. This little tiny puppy that we found in South Carolina that could fit in my two hands is now 43.8 pounds!! The vet thinks Cain has a mix of German Shepherd, Hound (probably blood hound) and Rottweiller. He is less then 5 months old and growing like crazy. He is going to be HUGE! They think he will reach about 100 pounds. WOW! But Rocky still has him in check. Rocky lets there be no mistaking that he is the boss and Cain is the new kid on the block.

Okay - that's enough for now. I'm chilling this week with my wife as we continue to celebrate. Until next week - Shalom.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Sharon: I checked your blog and you haven't updated it lately.
Michael: Okay - you're right. I need to do that today.

A few days later... after mowing my lawn... which, by the way, is prettier and greener than ever... HALLELUJAH!!!... and coming in for some down time while Sharon is out shopping... I remember... UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!!

I apologize for not updating during the tour as I had planned. It got so busy that I couldn' t. So, here is the update... day by day.

Day 2 - Friday...
Sharon and I got up early that morning to go to the radio station for an 8AM interview. The radio personality was wonderful and made us feel very welcome. We had a great time with him. Thanks WVGB!! After leaving there we went to find a bank... which required us going to Parris Island. It was very cool driving through and seeing the sights of this legendary base. Then we went back to the hotel and checked out. We went to our hotel in Summerville, checked in, then shortly thereafter left for the music store to pick up the sound system that we rented for that evening's concert. Then we went to the church.

While in route, I got a call from a radio station in Charleston to do a phone interview before the concert for additional publicity. Now, this gets funny... I needed to call the station at a certain time on a particular phone line for the live phone interview. A little before we arrived at the church it was time to call the station. I called the station and was waiting for them to put me on the air. As we approached the church, I started losing the signal. And as much as I complain about my cellphone service, I couldn't even blame it on my service... nobody else could even get a signal at all. I had to let them unload the sound system and the other items from the vehicle so I could drive back down the road far enough to get a signal and call the station. None the less... it was a great interview! Thanks WXTC!!

That night's concert was in my hometown... Huger, SC. I had cousins, classmates, schoolmates, one of my school teachers and others that worked at my school when I was attending Cainhoy High School (Class of '82!!). It was a homecoming. The concert was amazing! It was, again, as if God put His face in the building. After singing, "Look Where You Brought Me From," we had to stop and take a praise break. People were dancing and shouting all over the building. Then I turned around and all of my background singers were dancing. I just had to wait until everyone got that praise out before we could move on and finish the last song. It was so awesome!!

After the concert they fed us well!! Oh my God... the food was so good! Thank you Stewart Chapel!! I love you!!

Day 3 - Saturday...
We didn't have to get up as early - thank God!! We went to one of the local record stores for a CD Signing. It was very cool - thank you Rev. Heyward!! Then we dropped off the sound system and I took the group on a drive-thru tour of the beautiful city of Charleston, SC. They all loved the gorgeous new Cooper River Bridge. We went through The Battery. I took them through the neighborhood where I grew up. It was a quick 40 minute drive through because I didn't have time to give them the full and complete package. Charleston ROCKS!!

We stopped for lunch, then it was off to Eutawville. We got there and did the sound check... then went and checked into the hotel... got dressed... and went to the church for the final concert. Now, this one was really special. I had forgotten that I sang and preached in Eutawville the week the CD was released and that I sold lots of CDs there. I was pleasantly surprised to have the audience singing every song with us... word for word... lead parts included. It was such a cool feeling. These people know how to have a Holy Ghost Party!! We danced up a storm in there. It was so awesome. There was an awesome band there for one of the choirs that opened for us. "Fight For Me" was our last song. I did a reprise to the song with the band and the audience. They ROCKED IT!! Then they wouldn't let it go... it was so much fun. The minister of music started singing it again. Then the bishop started singing it. It was so cool!! I believe they got the message of the song.

So, that night we rested well in our hotel rooms. We all took our time waking up the next morning. We took out time driving home that day. We stopped and shopped at the Tanger Outlet in North Carolina. I even picked up a few items myself.

Once we were back we had to immediately start preparing for the "Spread A Little Sunshine" TV Show appearance on this Sunday. We taped for it on Thursday. That was an interesting experience. I am used to singing to a crowd - but singing on a closed set to a camera? That was different. I'll see how I did in the morning when the show comes on - at 5:00 AM. Well, I guess I'll really see how I did when I watch the video recording of the 5AM show. I really don't think I'm going to be awake to see it. Then, again, who knows.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Can you say AMAZING!! Tonight was the first night of the tour. We sang at Bethesda Temple of Saint Joseph Baptist Church on Saint Helena Island in Beaufort, SC. It was so amazing. The crowd was an interesting mix of youth and adults. There were lots of children there as their praise dance and mime teams ministered before we took the stage. They were fantastic. Then a saxaphonist played a medley of songs and he was incredible!! The atmosphere was set and primed for worship. When we took the stage it was so easy to go forth in worship. The people were right with us every step of the way.

And can I tell you - these background singers sang their tails off!!! Oh my God! They were amazing. We did a medley that allowed each of them to solo a part. They ate it up! I guess it was easy and natural for them since each of them are worship leaders.

God blessed tremendously. I'll give you the review of tomorrow night's performance after the concert.

Don't forget to keep us in your prayers.


Micah 7:8

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I won! I won!! I really won!!!

Okay - enough with the dramatics. But I couldn't wait to let you know that all of your voting didn't go in vain. Tonight - well last night, since it is 12:45 AM - I received the Praise and Worship Album Of The Year award from the Inspirational Gospel Music Awards. It was a fun night. I met some pretty cool people and saw some very interesting things. Hmmm. :-)

We also got to perform tonight at the ceremony. It was awesome. The group did an awesome job. I am getting the hang of working my soundtracks. I didn't think I'd like singing to tracks because I've seen many artists do such a poor job with it. But I am learning how to keep the energy level pretty high and keep the crowd involved. It has a lot to do with timing.

This week is all about preparing for the tour. It is so exciting!! But now - I'm going to bed. I have to be at Discover Life Bookstore & Cafe tomorrow morning at 8:45 until 3:00 PM for a CD signing. Prayerfully, we will sell about 200 CDs.

Blessings to you all!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

God's favor is an awesome thing. Having favor with God is better than knowing Bill Gates... better than being friends with the president of Sony Music... better then being tight with the pastor of the largest church in America... better then being boys with Kirk Franklin... better than being basketball buddies with Donald Trump... better than having $25 million in disposable assets... God's favor is amazing. I love what Psalm 30:5 states... God's favor lasts forever - even if he gets angry with you for a moment; the anger doesn't last long. That's why the psalmist followed it with saying that weeping may endure for the night but joy comes with the morning. Joy returns because God's favor is still there!!

Okay - I just had to make my declaration of faith!

The South Carolina tour is coming together quite well. We are booked for Thursday (Beaufort), Friday (Huger - my home town) and Saturday (Eutawville). We are very interested in securing a stop for that Sunday - April 9th. If it happens - great. If not, we will be coming back late Saturday night. It's going to be lots of fun. I'll get the chance to sing before lots of people that I haven't seen since my childhood. I am so excited!! It's going to be a great tour. I believe that many people will be blessed and souls will be won for Christ.

One of the aims of a tour is to sell CDs. So, we will be pushing the sales. I believe that we will have sold out of our first order of CDs by the end of this tour. It will be time to re-order. Hallelujah!!

So, we are still gaining radio momentum. We were added to a station in Sumter, SC. A promo pack just went out to a network based out of Atlanta, GA. Someone is going to walk a promo pack into K-Love. Wow!! If all of that pans out it will be time for national distribution. OH, MY GOD!!! It's the favor of the Lord.

I am so proud of my wife. Sharon is amazing. She has put so much of this together. I'd be lost without her. And - she is so GORGEOUS!!! She just came back from her beautician, sporting one of my favorite hairstyles on her. WOW!! What a knockout!!!

We were looking online last night at dog breeds, trying to figure out what breed is Cain. We stumbled across a breed called the Bavarian Mountain Hound (BMH). It looked like a match except the face was a little different. But we were able to recognize that Cain's head is shaped like a hound. Still, his body is shaped a little like a Rottweiler but his coat is exactly like the BMH - so the BMH is the closest match so far. He is nearly 30 LBS already and he's only about 15 weeks old. He has grown from 4 lbs to nearly 30 in only 2 months. That's scary!! But, Rocky is still the boss. As long as it stays that way, we're okay. Also, Cain is nearly complete with his potty training. He now let's us know when he has to go to the bathroom - and he's not going every 30 minutes anymore. YAAY!!

We have an engagement tonight in Virginia Beach. I look forward to it. It's going to be fun!!~


Sunday, March 19, 2006

Wow! It's been a long time since I stopped to post to my blog. Things have been very busy - which I see as a great thing. You know, there are problems and there are good problems. For an independent artist to be busy is a great problem.

We are preparing for our first 4-city tour! It's very exciting. We will be visiting 4 cities in South Carolina... Beaufort, Cainhoy (Huger), Eutawville and Sumter. It is also possible that we will be making an appearance in Raleigh, North Carolina on the way back home. That would be absolutely wonderful!!

Planning the tour is very meticulous work. There is the tour budget. This is what dictates EVERYTHING. As an indie artist, I don't have a record label backing the tour. This is a totally budget-dependent venture. If the money doesn't balance out, I go in the hole. So, I have to foresee the expenses and ensure that the trip will pay for itself. It is by the grace and wisdom of God that I am leaning this stuff on the fly.

I thought about getting a manager but decided that I am not making enough money yet to pay someone 25% of my earnings.

I was nominated for the IGMA (Inspirational Gospel Music Awards) New Artist Of The Year award. That's exciting!! Voting occurs online on Wednesday, March 22, 2006 from 12:00 AM until 11:59 PM. If you like my music - please vote for me on Wednesday at this site.

Well, let's get personal. Cain is growing at a nearly frightening rate. We expected that he was going to be about half Rocky's size. Not so!! It appears that he will be Rocky's size or larger. At 3-1/2 months old, Cain's paws are almost as large as Rocky's. Now, remember, Rocky is an 80 lb pit bull. We still don't know what breed Cain is. One vet thinks he has a little labrador retriever in him. Another thinks he has some pitbull in him. Honestly - we don't know. But, at least he's cute! Well, with this comes the concern of Rocky's alpha male personality. If Cain develops any sense of control, it's going to be ugly when he gets big. So we have to let Rocky dominate Cain now so that Cain won't challenge Rocky later. I know it seems cruel but Rocky really loves Cain and is very careful not to hurt him. But, at the same time, Rocky makes sure Cain remembers that he is the boss.

Lastly, I went to the Kirk Franklin - Mary Mary concert last night at the Hampton Coliseum. This is the "Hero Tour." It was amazing!! It was the best concert I remember ever attending - and I've seen some of everyone in concert! This was simply amazing!! If this tour is coming to your town and you haven't gotten your ticket - don't miss it!! It is a must see!!

Love to you all!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

So much is happening so fast!!

I've had a couple of radio interviews since I last posted - WGPL and WFMI. While at WGPL we were put into their rotation as well as the satellite rotation for Willis Broadcasting. Their satellite rotation gets played on all of their stations in 10 different states. This means my little project is now on its first satellite network. Hallelujah!!

So, now I'm working on Music Choice - the people that handle the music being played on the cable and satellite TV music channels. That would be another huge accomplishment. I'm also working on Salem Music Network. That is the company behind "The Word in Praise." They would put us in over 30 markets. That would be another huge thing.

Is it possible? Yes! Why? Because nothing can stop the favor of the Lord. I have seen by experience that when you are on the Lord's side, he makes even your enemies come to peace with you. The heart of even the king is in the hand of the Lord and, just like the waters, He can turn it whatever way he wants. God truly has the power to direct the hearts of man and he does so to make ways for his children. So, yes it is possible. I am on the Lord's side. And since God is for me - who can be against me? Hallelujah!

Okay - I just had to get that out.

I've been invited to go on a Mission trip to Africa - the Congo. I am so excited!! I've been wanting to go to Africa for several years. I look forward to the Lord making this happen for me. I've got to work at getting some sponsors but I know that the Lord will provide. This trip is not to promote the CD - although that opportunity will probably present itself and I will be ready. The purpose is to assist another man of God with his vision while I learn about what the Lord is doing outside of America. My whole life has been between these two oceans. I want to see what else is there.

Please be in prayer for me.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Wow - now that was so exciting!!

I am so happy to report that everything went very well on yesterday. The background vocals and the band were fantastic!! I made two mistakes during the performance - but I don't think anyone caught the first one and I think my MD may be the only person that caught the second one.

Speaking of my MD - he threw me a curve ball yesterday. He switched from keyboard to organ in the middle of the set. But it was a good move once I thought about it. It's just that we've never rehearsed the songs with the organ so it felt different for a few measures. But once we all got into it - it was great!

It was a real blessing to see so many of my fans and supporters come to the event to cheer me on. It was a blast! I even got to sell a few CDs.

I guess we did well. We got invited to do a few more engagements. We even got the CD added to another radio station. I have an interview there on Wednesday. I am so blessed!!

The vocalists were given the week off from rehearsals. Sharon and I will review the video from Sunday's performance later this week. I'll review it with the vocals on next week. The band will return to rehearsals next month. Then we will start getting ready for the next engagement.

Okay - how about something personal...

Did I ever mention that I am a huge Smallville fan? Also, I have the entire Star Wars collection. I love all 6 movies. I am a Harrison Ford fan. I love all three Indiana Jones movies. My favorite movie is Love & Basketball. I am also a Sanaa Lathan fan. I can talk about movies all day.

I finished Purpose Driven Life. It really is a life changing experience. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it.

Take care!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Well the truth comes out tomorrow!

I am so excited! Tomorrow will be my first opportunity to perform with my new background vocalists. It's been an interesting development. There were some singers that said that they wanted to sing with me at the beginning. However, as I started auditioning other singers and scheduled the rehearsals, they suddenly vanished. I think that, ultimately, God had a hand in it. I'm constantly seeking for God's direction and purposes in this process. When people disappear on me, I tend to think it is God's way of ordering my steps.

For instance, there was a guy who was totally involved in my project at the beginning. He was a tremendous help and resource for industry information. However, the further along I get in the promoting of this project, the less visible he becomes. I was a bit concerned about it at first but now I see the Lord teaching me how to do it without this guy's guiding hand. I still call him occasionally when I need specific information but I no longer look to this guy for guidance. I am learning to trust God's guidance.

Can I just stop for a moment and say that I have the greatest WIFE in the world. She is absolutely gorgeous. She has been so incredibly supportive throughout this process. Sharon is amazing. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to love a woman like her. My rib, my woman, my lover, my friend, my babe.

Okay - just had to get it out!

I have been released from therapy! Hallelujah!! The recovery has been very fast. I'm just working on regaining the full strength of my calf muscle. The doctor told me not to get into the jumping sports like basketball and volleyball for another 6-9 months. I guess that means I can play football now. Yippee!!

Cain and Rocky are doing quite well. Cain seems to be getting over his bugs pretty quickly. He's not scratching much these days. He and Rocky are two peas in a pod. You should see them playing with each other. Cain is growing so fast!! I'm not sure if he's going to be as small as we thought - his front paws are growing pretty wide and big. I'm glad we kept him. Maybe one day I'll upgrade to putting photos in my blog so you can see them.

So, we are about to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy. I believe that I understand how to do it now - after asking lots of questions. We are planning to hit SC and VA pretty hard over the next few weeks. We need to get Columbia, SC and the surrounding areas spinning the CD. We also need to get Richmond, VA spinning the CD. I believe that the Lord is giving us the hookup with radio contacts. I'll say it again - Favor is an awesome thing!!

Thank you to all of the wonderful fans and supporters that have been so encouraging. Those that have purchased the CD - thank you!! Keep telling people about it.

One last thing - I was talking to one of my piano students during his lesson and he began telling me about this void he was realizing in his life. As we talked, I began telling him about the Lord. The following week he came back - convicted about our earlier talk and realizing that he needed a relationship with the Lord. This afforded me the incredible opportunity to minister the plan of salvation to him and lead him to Christ. My student got saved right in my family room. It was awesome watching the spirit of the Lord come over him and bring this hip-hop rapper to tears. It was humbling for me to know that the Lord would use me to lead someone into his kingdom.

People are still coming to Jesus. Let us keep leading them to Him. He is still the light of the world. He is still the only hope for the world. God still loves the world. So, followers of Christ, we are still the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Everyone isn't going to be lost. Some will heed the call. Let's make sure they don't have to go to someone else to find out how to come to Jesus. Let's be prepared to bring those that are in our circle of influence to Jesus. Since we may be the only bibles they read, let's ensure that we are projecting the correct message. Let's be salt and light. As long as we live in this world, this world will need us.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

I don't think that "busy" is a big enough word to describe how things are with me right now...

I'll try to pick up from where I left off in my last post. On last Monday we discovered that "Cain", the new addition to our family, has Scabies (mange). So, with him and "Rocky" playing together as much as they have, of course we had to have both pets treated. Now this created an interesting dilema. I was wondering if I should invest the money in Cain's treatments or just have him put to sleep. We had a dog several years ago who contracted a serious case of scabies. We had to put her to sleep because we couldn't afford the treatments. Knowing how bad it could get, we didn't want to see Cain go through the suffering - especially at only 7 weeks old.

As I was outside walking with Cain one day, I began to think about the love of God in my life. I started meditating on how infested I was with sin and degradation - and still God cared enough about me to extend grace my way and deliver me. Although I was young and unattached to him, he still gave the life of His son, Jesus, to redeem me. I had the power to demonstrate that same kind of love toward this puppy. Although I had no history with Cain and was only now developing an attachment, this puppy needed deliverance from what was ailing him and I held the cure. When I saw it from that perspective it was a no-brainer.

So, Cain is getting better. However, we are crate-training him. This means there are 4AM barking and howling fits - which have apparently given Rocky a nervous stomach and a case of diarrhea - which has caused us to have several nights of broken sleep, awakened by the barking of Cain and the stench of Rocky. Wow! Right?

Now to the good news! We got a call from Leroy Harper at WXTC in Charleston, SC. Apparently, the radio interview created a huge buzz. We were invited to come down in April for the Chef's Founder's Day Celebration at his church. We are now working to put together a SC/NC tour around the same date - that way we can minister at 3-4 churches on that trip. If you know of any churches that might be interested in having us stop by and minister, please have them get in touch with me at

It has come to my attention that "I'm Saved" has reached Number 5 on WXEZ's R&R Playlist. That is AMAZING!! If you want to see the playlist, click on the R&R Playlist, look to the right of the Gospel Top 10 List and put in WXEZ where you see "Gospel Playlists - Search by Station Calls."

CDs are selling again. All of the stores carrying CDs in Virginia have reordered. Hallelujah!!

Sharon and I attended a Marriage Enrichment Symposium at Calvary Revival Church today. It was awesome. Aside from the incredible teaching given by Bishop McBath and Pastor Janeen McBath, we were very blessed to hear Pastor Kim Brown of Mount Lebanon Missionary Baptist Church for the first time. He was FANTASTIC! I look forward to ministering at Mount Lebanon for their Issachar Conference. It was also great to see so many friends who were celebrating what the Lord is doing for us with this CD project. It was an humbling experience.

Rehearsals are going well with the BGVs (background vocalists) and band. I am excited about our first engagement together at the Anniversary of the Tidewater Chapter of the GMWA on February 19th. It's going to be a lot of fun!

I have only one more appointment with the therapist. They are very pleased with my progress. I have my mobility back. The only thing that I know that I can't do yet is rise to my toes on the injured foot alone. I can rise with the assistance of the other foot. So, I'm working on strengthening my calf muscle and I should be fine. So, PRAISE GOD, the 6 month recovery time should only be 2-3 months, with 1 month already over. YEAH!!

Thanks for listening. I'll try to make sure I post again by mid week.

Be blessed!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It's ironic how - from the passing of one - we save the life of another...

Sharon and I traveled to South Carolina for the homegoing of my Aunt Mary. As with most funerals/homegoings, it was a family reunion prompted by the occasion of death. Isn't it interesting how families that do not have consistent family reunions always realize the need for them at funerals? It was such a joy seeing and embracing my aunts, uncles, neices, nephews and cousins that I hadn't seen in quite some time. It was comforting to be able to celebrate the life of such a strong Christian woman and to be assured of her eternity because of her life's profession.

My auntie would always say - "I want to live what I testify and testify what I live." Well her testimony was well lived. She left no room for doubt. She loved Jesus!

I was so impressed by the love and care that her pastors, Lorenzo and Janice Mouzon, pastors of Atlanta Miracle Revival Center, extended to the bereaved family. My auntie's only daughter and grandchildren are all members, as was my auntie. The Mouzons displayed the love and care that every pastor should give their members during such difficult times. I've known the Mouzons since my childhood. We grew up together under my mother's ministry. However, this was my first time seeing them in action as pastors. I was so blessed by what I witnessed. Keep up the great work!

Pastor Lorenzo eulogized my aunt. He did a wonderful job. One of the things that struck me during his eulogy was when he elaborated on the need for people to not let insignificant issues destroy relationships. He stated (paraphrasing as best I can), "You've got to put things in the right perspective - in God's perspective. Then you'll realize, 'this thing isn't big enough for me to miss God over it.'" I thought the statement was worth repeating. It made me think. I hope that it does the same for you.

Ironically (or maybe it was providence - who knows?) I had recently read a chapter in The Purpose Driven Life that dealt with the same thing. Rick Warren talked about the difference between reconciliation and resolution. My experience has been that in churches we look for resolution before reconciliation. But, if love and fellowship are to persist, we must be able to accept the fact that we may never see eye-to-eye. But that doesn't change the facts that we are still siblings in the body of Christ and that we both are of equal significance to the body of Christ, regardless of our differences and diversity.

So while we were at the gravesite we noticed that someone had abandoned three little puppies on the side of the road. My cousin, my neice and I took the three puppies and give each of them homes. Now, one is in NY, one in NC and Sharon and I have our little one here in Virginia. We named him "Cain" since he was found in "Cainhoy" and since he was huddled up next to his sibling - trying to stay warm - reminding me of "Cain and Abel", although "Abel" turned out to be a girl who was later named "Fancie" by my neice in NC. Anyway, it was very moving to see them. The puppies hadn't been left there long - they weren't starving, dehydrated nor flea-infested. But all of those things would have happened soon if someone hadn't taken them into their homes.

It is hillarious watching Rocky adapt to having a little puppy in the house. You remember Rocky? My 80+ pound Pitbull? Well, he thinks Cain is a toy. But he's slowly adjusting. He really likes him. I think they are going to develop a great relationship. Nobody will be able to mess with Cain without his big brother coming to the rescue.

So Cain will be a constant reminder of the love of my Auntie. As she was laid to rest right beside her sister, my mother, another life was rescued. Little Cain from Cainhoy lives.

Okay - enough for today. I'll give you some info about the CD later this week.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I'd bet they're in Heaven having a great reunion right now...

I was informed a few hours ago that my mother's oldest sister passed away. Wow! I'm really going to miss my Aunt Mary. Now, she was a classy lady. I have so many wonderful memories. She and my mother were best friends. They shared everything! I remember them having matching fur coats and hats - only the colors were opposite. One had black and the other had white.

They grew up in Yemassee, SC - a little small town. They both fell in love with Jesus and were great examples of Christianity. I remember the excitement in our home while I was a little tot when we knew that Aunt Mary was riding the train from White Plains, NY to Charleston, SC to visit our family. My sister, Sharon (yes, my wife has the same name as my sister. Nothing Freudian - I just fell in love with a woman with a familiar name is all) and I would be buzzing in the back seat of my father's green station wagon, just bursting with anticipation about what Auntie had brought us. She never came empty-handed.

Auntie had only one child. My cousin did an incredible job of taking care of my Auntie. When it was no longer good for auntie to live alone, my cousin and her husband moved Auntie in with them and kept her in their care. My cousin is amazing! She really demonstrated the love of a daughter for her mother. My cousin has two daughters who are both married with children of their own. They all created an amazing, loving unit - ensuring that my Auntie was always loved and cared for. Looking back at the heritage of African-American families, the love of our culture was clearly demonstrated by my cousin and her children.

So, now I have another loved one that has passed from this life into the next. My brother, father and mother have passed on; now my Auntie. Her passing makes me even more encouraged to live my life in a Godly manner.

I've learned so much from Aunt Mary. I sat at her feet and took notes about my family. I listened to her stories of slavery,
the underground railroad, abolition, the old Pullman train, the field labor, the brutality of her younger years. I also heard the stories of her rising above adversity, defeating the odds, becoming a well educated legal secretary, demonstrating class and elegance, the glory of her later years.

My auntie was a prayer warrior - connected with prayer warriors across the country. She had a direct line to God.

Aunt Mary, I'm going to miss you. I'm glad that you got to hear my music before you left. The next time I perform, it will be dedicated to you. Sleep, now. You've fought a good fight. It's time to rest.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Awesome things happen when worshippers get together!

Monday night was the audition session for background singers. We had 13 candidates that came through. After the screening we had eight candidates that we listened to. All of them were awesome. By the way, I had some wonderful guys helping me judge the process (thanks Ike, Bille and Curtis). We concluded that we wanted to keep all of those voices. Toward the end we sang "Holy Is The Lord." WOW! They sounded so good!! But, more than that, it was obvious that we had worshippers singing. The presence of the Lord filled the temple and it was fantastic! We had to stand there in awe for a while before we could move any further. It was amazing!! I tell you - awesome things happen when worshippers get together.

I started making calls and sending emails today letting the candidates know that they were accepted. They seem to be pretty happy to get the news.

Next week we start rehearsals. It's going to be a lot of fun polishing the sound. I can hardly wait!

I look forward to coming to a city near you!

So, I told you at the beginning of the year that Sharon and I were refraining from eating meat for the first 40 days of the year, right? Well, it was tough the first week and a half. But now I don't crave it anymore. I was missing the "I'm full!" feeling that you get from eating meat so I was eating lots and lots of veggies. Now, I'm not eating as much - except last night. I cooked and it was wonderful so I pigged out on collard greens, my signature "sweet peas & corn", fresh black-eyed peas and a baked potato. Lot's of calories, right? But it was good. Lot's of carbs, right? But it really was good.

I'm not limping anymore. Praise GOD!! I'm walking straight. My foot's not hurting. I start therapy on Monday. Hopefully I'll be done with therapy in one month and back to jumping and running across the stage. Keep praying.

Shout out to my Mount Sinai Church family!! I love you all so very much!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

In the immortal words of Jar-Jar Binks, "Wesa Free!"

Okay - enough with the dramatics!

But I am really happy to be walking on two feet again. No more brace! Hallelujah!! You know - of all the difficulties associated with this injury, one of the most irritating was the backache that I'd always get from walking or standing in my foot brace. The brace caused one of my legs to extend longer than the other. Now I understand why people with one leg longer than the other have such a huge issue. It really effects your back.

And now to the music...

Monday night will be a huge night. We are holding auditions for background vocalists. We are advertising it on the radio, through email and word of mouth. I've received lots of phone calls. People seem to be really interested. So, we expect a lot of people to come out to audition for background vocals to sing with me. My prayer is that the right people will hear about it and come to audition. Additionally, I'm praying for keen discernment so that I will select the right people - people that not only sound great but people that share my passion for worship and that share my love for God and godliness.

Also, radio play is picking up. The fact that WXEZ is spinning "I'm Saved" 20 times a week is causing other stations to take more notice. WJNI in Charleston, SC has committed to add it to their rotation. Another station in Tampa, FL is looking into adding it to their rotation. Locally, KISS FM and WTJZ are playing a couple of songs in their rotation (thanks Doc and Felecia). A few other stations are taking a second look because of WXEZ pushing the music (thanks a million Dale). It's always interesting how people follow people. Even in the music industry, people follow people.

The Redskins and Patriots lost in the playoffs today. Of course that doesn't matter much to me. I'm a Falcons fan. Don't count us out. One day... one day... the Falcons will rise!!

I am loving Purpose Driven Life. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. It will really motivate you to a deeper relationship with God. Thank you Rick Warren for letting God use you.

In my last post I was very excited about the Dual Core
MacBook Pro. Well I went by CompUSA today to see it and ask some questions. I was heartbroken to learn that this wonderful peice of machinery will not be compatible with the software that I would want to use on it. LogicPro nor ProTools will run on it. The software development is still in the future. So, I guess I have to stick with dreaming about the Powerbook G4.

I leave you with my favorite scripture in the bible - quoting from the King James Version:

"Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me."
-Micah 7:8


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Well, I used to be in shape. I used to be able to bench press 180 lbs. I used to be able to run three miles. I used to be able to ride 10 miles on my bike with no problem. I used to be able to do 50 sit-ups and 50 push-ups on my fingertips. But that was all 20-30 years ago.

So, I started my workout routine this week. I started with sit-ups, push-ups, leg lifts, and lightweight dumb bells (like 2.5 lbs - really light). I can't overdo it on the weights. I've been diagnosed with bursitis in the shoulders so I have to gradually build my shoulder strength without agitating my bursa. Wow - don't I sound old.

I rode my bike today for the first time since my injury. After the first mile or so I started singing on the bike. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I didn't do half bad. You should have heard me singing very windedly while riding full speed. Hillarious!!

I stopped by Heaven & Earth Bookstore today to see how my CD sales were going. Guess what - they were SOLD OUT! As a matter of fact the attendent that assisted me looked in their system and only found two left in their system at two different stores. I then introduced myself as the artist. He then took particular interest in me - as did the other customers in the store. It was a moment. I had to stand there and thank God for the success. It is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in my eyes!

If anyone wants to just bless me, I have my eyes on this awesome new beast of a machine - the new MacBook Pro (see for details). I am drooling for the 15.4" 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo. Oh the music I could create with that one peice of equipment!!

Speaking of music - on Monday I will be holding auditions for anyone interested in singing with me. I need background vocalists who are true worshippers and can really sing. If you know of anyone - send them my way. We have a few engagements coming up and many more to follow so there will be traveling involved. And there will be financial compensation as well. Hmmm - maybe I should have advertised that on the radio.

Okay - I've got to get some work done so I'll have to log off for today.

I love comments so feel free to let me know what you're thinking - especially you mac lovers or mac haters that think I've lost my mind by wanting to switch from pc to mac.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Why is the world so full of rhetoric and rhymes? Particularly the church world? I wonder if God sobs at the rarety of pure, deliberate, intentional worship. What is it about man that causes us to need miracles in order to worship?

Okay - let me stop being so deep.

But seriously - I don't want to be an aimless wanderer. I want my Christian walk to mean something to more than just me. I want to make a difference in my world - and I want to actually please the God that created me. I believe that my life was created for a purpose. I believe that every gift God has given me was given because He wants to use them. I believe that the course of my life was so that I could learn and develop the things that would make me effective in accomplishing God's purposes for my existence. Since I believe that my life has meaning then I want to make sure that I accomplish my purpose.

As I was doing my research before marketing my CD I ran across some information for independent artists. It suggested that every band or artist should have a mission statement. You should be able to clearly articulate your purpose for doing what you do. I had never considered having a mission statement before reading this information. I then began to pray and seek the Lord for the purpose of music ministry. I'd like to share my resulting mission statement with you.

My mission is to:

  • usher mankind into a worship experience that influences their way of life
  • daily demonstrate the truth of Christ to the world and influence other Christians and Christian Artists to do the same; and
  • create music that will cause Christians to make their worship a lifestyle.
michael M. smith – “Bringing Worship to Everyday Life”

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

I hope that each of you enjoyed bringing in the new year. I pray that your year is filled with God's best. Sharon and I enjoyed a wonderful service at Mount Sinai Church - where I serve as minister of music. It was a real "Praise Party." However, I am always amused at how many people find their way in the door between 11:30 and 11:55 PM on New Years Eve - people that you probably won't see in another service until the next New Years Eve.

Learning the guitar is fun. I've gotten my chromatic scales down. I'm learning a few chords. I'm just having trouble keeping my fingers off the strings that I'm not trying to touch. I'm used to playing the keyboard. I didn't know guitar was so tricky. But it sounds so good when I get a chord right!

Thursday is the big day! I go to the surgeon for what I hope will be my final visit. If all goes well I should be able to take off the brace and put a shoe on my right foot for the first time in two months! Hallelujah!!

Okay - so I stumbled across a long list of email addresses for people in the Gospel music industry. My thinking - use the email addresses! So, I sent an email to all of these people asking for their recommendations on my next course of action. The responses have been wonderful and informative. It also appears that it created a fresh buzz about the project. As I was looking at the email addresses and referencing the corresponding websites, I found a plethora of independent record labels. Wow - there are a lot of people out there that are doing what I am doing. It made it even clearer to me that effort alone won't get my CD heard by the masses. It's going to take God's favor and His wisdom accompanying my solid effort.

Intimidating? A little.

Me back down? No Way!

My THING for the new year (I know a lot of people don't like resolutions). Well, Sharon and I started a 40-day vegetarian diet. That's right - a 40-day fast from meat. That includes pork, beef, veal, chicken, fish, even deer! Accompamying this 40-day journey, I will again read Purpose Driven Life. I started reading it before but got really busy and stopped before my 40th chapter. I am also going to start a pretty interesting cardio/vascular/vocal workout. While my foot is still healing, I will be using my exercise bike and singing while going full speed ahead. That's going to be interesting! I think I'll start tomorrow. If you know any other great workouts for singers, I'd love to know. I want to try something I saw on Making The Band 3 - singing while running on the treadmill. But, I can't run yet.

Thanks for stopping by!

I welcome your comments to my blog. Feel free to leave me a line - either with your name or anonymously.