Friday, September 29, 2006

"Boy, don't blow all up and get the big head," they said.

Fat chance of that!! My wife loves me too much to let me get a big head about things. She brings me back in quickly. She's making sure that I don't miss Heaven over pride. I appreciate that.

So, in case there was any doubt, let me give credit to whom true credit is due. I am who I am because of the woman that stands with me. I have accomplished what I've accomplished because of the woman that stands with me. I know that I've talked about her in many of my previous posts - about how wonderful, beautiful, helpful, giving, fantastic... she is. While I prayed and asked God for the studio equipment that I needed, God used my wife to make it all happen. How cool is that?

Sharon's a wonderful wife. Any man would be very blessed to have a woman like her at his side. I'm glad that she doesn't take me too seriously. Sometimes, when everyone's singing your praises, you need someone to remind you that your breath still stinks in the morning and you still need a shower. I'm grateful. Who knows what I might think without her.

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