Sunday, May 06, 2007

From the Workaholic in me...

My gorgeous wife and I just spent the past week in a beautiful chalet on Blue Mountain, overlooking the Shenandoah Valley. This has been such an amazing, wonderful week of rest and relaxation. We brought the dogs, Rocky & Cain, with us. It was their first opportunity to hang out in the woods. We all had a wonderful time.

I think the best thing about this vacation is the fact that – being up on top of a mountain in the woods – we were surrounded by nature, which caused us to really relax. We spent the first two days decompressing – paying our “sleep debt.” We took a drive up Skyline Drive and took in the sights overlooking the valley. It was truly gorgeous. Even with overcast skies, it was so beautiful!

This vacation was in celebration of our thirteenth wedding anniversary. I’ve been so wonderfully blessed to have spent the past thirteen years in love with this amazing woman. It was fun spending this past week reminding ourselves of the reasons we love each other so much. Everyone should be so blessed as to experience the kind of love we share. I love my wife!!

Today is our checkout day. So, we’re packing up and getting ready to go. Oddly, today my mind is racing with what I need to do when I get back. I confess… when it comes to ministry, I am a workaholic. I love working in the kingdom of God. But sometimes I overdo it. I came from ministry workaholic parents. But they did teach me that it is important to build in breaks so that you can spend time together. Otherwise, you can wreck your life.

Thank God for the break. It feels good getting back to work AND knowing that the most important relationship I have on earth is whole and in tact.

To all my fellow workaholics… take a break every now and then.


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