Monday, March 10, 2008

This blank page can look so intimidating when it’s time to write a blog.

Okay… what’s on my mind? What can I talk about today?

I could talk about the long recovery process of the human voice. My vocal recovery process has been very dramatic since the tour in Europe. I became very hoarse after the tour. I think the 7-hour road-trip to the Milan airport in the van all that night at about what felt like 20 below zero degrees had something to do with it. Or, perhaps, the fact that I could only sleep about 1.5 hours on the 9-hour flight back to the states because I had a painful case of... well, that’s kinda’ embarrassing. Well, let’s just say that I wasn’t about to make everyone on the plane uncomfortable so I kept running to the bathroom… trying to find relief. And when I say painful... I really do mean painful. That bad boy had my stomach screaming! So, needless to say, I couldn’t sleep much on that flight. So, the frigid, sleepless trip to the airport, the sleepless flight back to the states, the time adjustment, and the fact that we had just done 11 concerts, all took a heavy toll on my voice. Then, of course, I was asked to sing for our New Years Eve service. So, having no mid range left to speak of, I had to sing in falsetto. Now, Gethsemane is a funny place filled with funny people. Of course, they started calling me “Prince” for the next month or so. It took several weeks to get my voice back to full strength. And, just as I was getting there… here comes the flu! And, of course, I had to sing while I was sick. So, now, here I am again, trying to rehabilitate my voice. Saints, please pray for me!

Okay… what else can I talk about? Oh yeah! My MAC!!

When I got back from Italy, I invested in a MacBook Pro. Church, let me tell you! I understand why all the REAL musicians work with a Mac. This machine is wonderful! I also got Logic Studio 8. My God! I’m about to shout right now!! People, Logic is a wonderful piece of software. I am loving this studio hookup!. I already had CuBase Studio 4. I’ve stopped using it. I had CuBase LE. NO COMPARISON!! Logic is a BEAST!! And the MacBook Pro is just a fantastic machine all on it’s own. It operates so smoothly… so efficiently. It blows my ThinkPad away.

But the relevant question is, “What’s really going on?” Well, we are preparing for the live recording. God is quickly moving and so are we. April 25, 2008 is the big day. We have people coming from as far away as Tennessee and Georgia for this session. The concert will begin at 7:30PM. The doors will open at 6:30. We know that the building is going to be packed. It only holds 500 in the sanctuary and another 100 in overflow. So, only the first 600 people will be able to get in. We will officially release the announcement of the event on Wednesday. We are asking for a donation of $20 at the door. This will be a huge blessing and will enable us to cover a lot of the expenses of the recording.

Wow, what do you know… the page isn’t blank anymore.

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