Monday, February 20, 2006

Wow - now that was so exciting!!

I am so happy to report that everything went very well on yesterday. The background vocals and the band were fantastic!! I made two mistakes during the performance - but I don't think anyone caught the first one and I think my MD may be the only person that caught the second one.

Speaking of my MD - he threw me a curve ball yesterday. He switched from keyboard to organ in the middle of the set. But it was a good move once I thought about it. It's just that we've never rehearsed the songs with the organ so it felt different for a few measures. But once we all got into it - it was great!

It was a real blessing to see so many of my fans and supporters come to the event to cheer me on. It was a blast! I even got to sell a few CDs.

I guess we did well. We got invited to do a few more engagements. We even got the CD added to another radio station. I have an interview there on Wednesday. I am so blessed!!

The vocalists were given the week off from rehearsals. Sharon and I will review the video from Sunday's performance later this week. I'll review it with the vocals on next week. The band will return to rehearsals next month. Then we will start getting ready for the next engagement.

Okay - how about something personal...

Did I ever mention that I am a huge Smallville fan? Also, I have the entire Star Wars collection. I love all 6 movies. I am a Harrison Ford fan. I love all three Indiana Jones movies. My favorite movie is Love & Basketball. I am also a Sanaa Lathan fan. I can talk about movies all day.

I finished Purpose Driven Life. It really is a life changing experience. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it.

Take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, I did NOT know that you like Smallville...I used to watch it, but now that my schedule has changed...not so much. You are hilarious!